Adam Lawrence Dyer


Adam Lawrence Dyer is available as a consultant for...

Public Speaking: Adam is an award-winning speaker with over 30 years of experience, both live and in recorded media. He has also taught and coached public speaking and preaching, drawing on his broad experience to help others develop memorable programs and solid presentation technique. Speaking topics include (but are not limited to): sexuality, race, religion, health and wellness.

Equity Ministry:
With the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement, Adam started convening conversations with church communities about race and racism. This "Equity Ministry" consulting is based on principles of meeting people where they are and is useful to any organization committed to building relationships outside of its walls while cultivating resilience within.

Leadership Development/Instruction: An experienced mentor and coach, Adam is eager to help people realize their goals and potential. He is available in the classroom, for workshops and in seminar settings.

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